Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Seven day itch

Seven check marks on the calendar so far.

Tonight I had to get up and do something because the thought of a drink kept circling around. I knew I wasn't going to have one, but it kept crossing my mind and irritating me, so I finished my book, did the dishes, put some laundry in, and at some point while I was sweeping the floor, the feeling disappeared and I exhaled.


Adamity73 said...

A support group could help.

--said the kettle to the pot


(But, seriously, it's where you can go to get your thoughts out to like-minded people.)

Lj said...

Sounds like you are all over this shit...

Remember that article we read about cravings? "The feeling disappeared...". It was just a thought, a feeling, not YOU.

"All that arises passes away". One of my all time favorite quotes. Even more so now that Eckart has entered my life.

Way to stay in the moment babe.